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Using Spotlight with Next.js

By Adding Spotlight to your Next.js application, you can get deep insights into errors and performance issues across your entire application.

1. Installation

Terminal window
npm add @spotlightjs/spotlight

2. Configuration

Initialize Spotlight within sentry.client.config.js, after you’ve initialized the Sentry:

In the Browser you don’t need to set spotlight: true, Spotlight.init() will automatically detect if Sentry is available and if so, hook into the SDK.

// sentry.client.config.(js/ts)
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/nextjs';
import * as Spotlight from '@spotlightjs/spotlight';
dsn: '___DSN___',
// ...other Sentry options
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {

For more options on how to configure Spotlight, see Configuration.

3. Run the Sidecar

Spotlight’s architecture requires a sidecar to be running alongside your service. This is to enable streaming data collection from your backend services into the Spotlight overlay.